
Dutch Mezzo-Soprano Vera Fiselier has made her debut at various opera houses, with productions like Goud (Dutch National Opera & Ballet / Opera Zuid), Lied voor de Maan (Dutch National Opera & Ballet / Opera Zuid / La Monnaie), Magelone & Peter (Reisopera), Odiezee, Kersentuin (Holland Opera) en Fairy Queen (Opera Compact). She specialises in singing newly written compositions (Dutch and other languages) and children’s opera. Next to opera, she frequently sings oratoria, is a freelancer at the Groot Omroepkoor (Dutch Radio Choir) and performs various art song-programs with pianist Ruud Zielhorst.

“De held van het verhaal is de jonge Odiezee, een fijne rol van Vera Fiselier, die haar personage mooi laat balanceren tussen verstandig en onbezonnen.” – NRC, over Odiezee


“ook als registratie overtuigt Een lied voor de maan, zeker met deze cast … en bovenal Vera Fiselier die melancholie en euforie met een warme stem verbeeldt” – Theaterkrant over Lied voor de maan


“Vera Fiselier heeft een prachtig zuivere stem en weet met haar mimiek de almaar wisselende gevoelens van Magelone invoelbaar te maken.” – Theaterkrant, over Peter & Magelone


“Jakob wordt prachtig vertolkt door de mezzosopraan Vera Fiselier. Zij tekent ook voor de rol van verteller en beeldt bovendien de teksten van de vis en haar vader en moeder uit, met een bewonderenswaardig gevarieerde mimiek en lichaamstaal. Haar pure stem past goed bij de onschuld van het door zijn ouders gemanipuleerde kind.” – Theaterkrant, over Goud


“Vera Fiseliers Mezzosopran zeigte in Rossini “Barbier von Sevilla” in der Arie “Una voce poco fa” die große Biegsahmkeit einer schönen Belcanto-Stimme; auch darstellerisch erschien dieser Auftritt gelungen, sicherlich ein Höhepunkt des Konzerts.” – WAZ, New Year’s concert Männer-Chor Velbert


New adventure

When I was about 11 years old, I had the opportunity to do my school-internship with a production of the Dutch Radio Choir, where my mom works as a soprano. I got to see everything: the place where the choir books were prepared, got to sit in the...
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In the Christmas holidays of 2022/23, I will be performing in Holland Opera's Odiezee! (<--- click here for more info and tickets) The show is sung in Dutch. "In this adaptation of the Odyssey by Abdelkader Benali, Thalia lives with her 3 mothers in a small flat, 3-storey...
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Aria 2022

This year, I participated in the TV programme Aria. What an adventure! Together with 9 other candidates, I was allowed to compete for a spot in the opera studio of the Dutch National Opera. Although I have some experience on stage by now, this was a whole new...
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Goud! & Lied voor de Maan

In the past year, I worked on two children's operas, both co-productions of the Dutch National Opera and Opera Zuid. They were streamed online, because of the corona pandemic. It was a very new experience to play in front of a camera crew and I am so happy...
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Magelone & Peter

Although we haven't had a lot of chances to perform this musical short-story yet, because of the Coronapandemic, I happily think back of the rehearsals and the few moments that we got to share it with an audience. It was incredibly special to be able to work on...
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Bonsai Garden

During the first lockdown in the corona pandemic, Jan-Peter de Graaff composed a series of mini-opera's, produced by Opera Zuid. They were directed by Kenza Koutchoukali and performed by various musicians and singers. The word "Bon-sai" is a Japanese term which, literally translated, means "planted in a container"....
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Once I finished my Bachelor Studies in The Hague, I continued to study at the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen (Germany) in the class of Prof. Rachel Robins. Besides all the other awesome classes they offer (Songclass, Correp, Alexander Technique, Drama, ballroom dancing, fencing) the singing department...
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Where it all started…

After discovering I really liked classical singing and wasn't too shy to open my mouth and start singing anymore, I started my studies at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, where I had an amazing time. Studying singing, studying my own voice, has become a journey of which...
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